Two-mode networks consist of connections between two distinct sets of entities. The term mode refers to specific categories of entities. The term one-mode networks is used when members of a network are connected with other members in the same category - as a network of researchers - and the term two-mode network is used when members are connected with actors from other categories. The two-mode network is represented by the interaction among actors and social entities as a single social system, such as the connections between researchers and institutions (two sets of actors) within the same network. The purpose of this article is to conceptualize and present two-mode networks, which are applied in studies that use Social Network Analysis. Through literature review, we selected articles that emphasize conceptual aspects of two-mode social networks, which allowed us to describe and highlight examples and applications of this type of network. There are few published studies that mention or use two-mode Social Network Analysis in Brazil. Therefore, the goal of the article is to contribute to the promulgation of applications of two-mode networks.