标题:Market Prospects for Pulses in South Asia: International and Domestic Trade Supplementary Report of the Project: Market Prospects for Upland Crops Products and Policy Analysis in Selected Asian Countries (MPUPA)
摘要:This study contains compilations of price trends, production trends and institutional issues in the international market for food legumes or pulses. In recent years substantial changes have taken place in the Asian pulse market. There are signs that the national markets have opened up for imports with the result by the mid 1990s that Australia and Myanmar have become the major inter-regional suppliers of pulses. Nevertheless, participation of other countries in the Asian pulse market is very wide and includes production centres in Latin America, North America, Western and Eastern Europe and Africa. The study also reveals that within the group of pulses there are substantial price differences between specific varieties and species. This indicates that investment in quality improvement would find a pay-off at the wholesale market level. The authors suggest that for improvement of the pulse market, information links between domestic major wholesale market and international markets should be realized.