摘要:The output power of wind turbines or wind farms depends on wind speed s, which may have certain correlation in one region or even in different regions. When the wind speed s correlation is ignored, it will have a significant influence on Available Transfer Capability (ATC) of power system with wind farms. This study established a random variables simulation method considering wind speed s correlation to more accurately evaluate ATC. The proposed methods are concerned with rank correlation coefficient, Copula theory and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), which are simple and easy to implement. In addition, the evaluation models for ATC were built on based of Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and Fast Voltage Stability Indices (FVSI) was considered as inequality constraints in order to guarantee the voltage stability of system. The modern interior point method was applied to solve the proposed models. Simulations are carried out on IEEE 118-bus system. The results show effectiveness and availability of the proposed method in evaluating on ATC of power system considering wind speed s correlation. The conclusion can provide a technical support for the ATC evaluation and decision-making as well as wind power forecast.