This study aims to determine the differences in learning output by using Problem Based Model combines with the “Buginese” Local Cultural Knowledge. (PBL-Culture) It is also explores the students activities in learning mathematics subject by using PBL-Culture Models. This research is using Mixed Methods approach that combined quantitative and qualitative methods and Sequential Explanatory Design (SED) Models that implemented at junior high school, at Bone Regency in South Sulawesi Province. The results of this study stated that Firstly, Junior high student learning outputs has increased significantly after being taught by using the PBL-Culture Models Secondly, the learning activities output showed that students have high attitude in the siri’, pesse’, sipatuo-sipatokkong categories after teach by using PBL-Culture, meanwhile, medium attitude in the siri’, sipatuo-sipatokkong categories for non experimental classes. However at pesse’ categories, the models shows difficulties in learning and solving problems Moreover the result also showed that students has a low ability at siri’ categories depends on the situation given by the teacher and the situation surrounding environment.