期刊名称:Studies in Design Education Craft & Technology
出版社:Studies in Design Education Craft & Technology
摘要:To what extent does consideration of those featu r es unique to man, of hand, eye , mind and soc i ety offer a basis for a coherence as we l l as a core for the sc h o o l curri c ulum ? In whatev e r may ev entu a lly b e ac ce pt e d a s an ess ential c or e of studie s thr o ugh primary , middle and sec o ndary year s of schooling, the place o f what i s c o nsidered under t h e titl es General Studi es , C ivics , Man and So c i e t y, C r a ft , H a ndicr a ft , Art a nd C raft , D es i g n , Engin ee rin g Studie s , H e a vy Craft , Li g ht Craft , W o odw o rk , M e talw o rk and many oth e r s perhaps, wil l be und e r scrutiny . Some of the factors which will emerge and whi c h r e l a te to the in c lusi o n of the se s ubjects of s tud y will , no doubt , b e pu z zlin g. Question s like: how did th e y get th e re in the f ir st plac e ? why does this choo l or that schoo l inc l ude some bu t not o t hers? why is this aspect of one emphasised in one school but other aspects ignor e d, with the r e verse pattern in another school ? why do some pupils undertake little study in these areas and o t her pupils a gr e at deal? Setting aside, for a moment, those quest i ons relating to centrally o r nationally bas e d (and agreed) curricula , with or without l ocal flexibility f o r content and individual fl e xibility of m e thod , whatev e r these phras e s mean, and ignoring r e sourc e prob l ems , both material and human, l e t us consider som e fa c tors whi c h might facilitate desired chang e.