摘要:Production flow in PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri consists of editing, setting, layout, illustration, pre-press, and printing these activities do not describe detail operation. The activities will be scheduled aft r print orders are accepted by the company. After due date defined, activities will be allocated. The weakness scheduling procedure has not accommodated information process time for eac book title. Consequences point order can not be predicted for each book title, although suppliers can meet the schedule. Other weakness the schedule doe not consider available capacity. As problem solving, dispatching rules will be used. First dispatching rules is Earliest Due Date (EDD). If there is same priority aft r sequencing, job will be scheduled by project priority. Shortest Processing Tim T) will be used if there is same rank after project priority used If there is same priority after sequencing, job will be scheduled by Book Priority. The last, if there is same priority after sequencing, job will be scheduled by Random. Random used as stoppi g rule. These dispatching rules can reduce tardiness. Scheduling procedure can also reduce time neede for scheduling. Running time is linear and is not exponent