期刊名称:DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
出版社:DESIDOC, Ministry of Defence, India
摘要:This paper discusses that cataloguing continues to be basic tool of knowledge organisation whichhas taken over even the function of classification bringing together similar ideas accessible on multiplepoints. It traces the history of cataloguing and individual contributions made by Panizzi, Lubetzky, Cutter,and Ranganathan who laid the foundation for modern cataloguing. It discusses the background ofResource Description and Access (RDA) code as development over AACR-2. The conceptual model of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) along with its new terminology and basicprinciple of entity-relationship have been explained. While discussing new features of RDA, it has alsobeen compared with AACR-2 to show the main difference between the two. It concludes that RDA is adescriptive catalogue code with metadata structure with added scope and advantages over AACR-2R but with mixed professional reaction on its adoption. http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/djlit.33.5007
关键词:Resource description and access, functional requirements for bibliographic records, FRBR,Ranganathan, Panizzi, Charles Ammi Cutter, Lubetzky, cataloguing, knowledge organisation,entity-relationship, AACR, catalogue codes, classified catalogue code