摘要:Generally, Financial Statements are based on Historical Cost Accounting (HCA) that assumes that prices are stable. Actually, there are several methods on accounting for the effect of changing prices, such as Current Cost Accounting (Replacement Cost Accounting) and Constant Dollar Accounting or General Price Level Accounting (GPLA)). GPLA will do restatement the components of financial statement to be a rupiah on a similar level of purchasing power, but without changes in accounting principles which using on conventional accounting. Financial statements made by GPLA are comparing to financial statements made by HCA. Both of financial statements are analysis with NOD (Number of Dollar) attribute to know that financial statements are interpretative and analysis with COG (Command of Good) attribute to know that financial statements are relevant. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Laporan keuangan disusun berdasarkan metode Historical Cost Accounting (HCA) yang menggunakan asumsi nilai tukar stabil. Beberapa metode akuntansi yang memperhitungkan perubahan nilai tukar seperti Current Cost Accounting (Replacement Cost Accounting) dan Constant Dollar Accounting atau General Price Level Accounting (GPLA). GPLA menyajikan komponen laporan keuangan berdasarkan penyesuaian rupiah dengan daya beli tanpa mengubah prinsip-prinsip akuntasi konvensional. Laporan keuangan yang disusun dengan GPLA dapat diperbandingkan dengan laporan keuangan berdasarkan HCA. Dengan analisa NOD (Number of Dollar) dan COG (Command Over Good) attribute menunjukkan bahwa laporan keuangan berdasarkan GPLA lebih interpretatif dan lebih relevan. Kata Kunci: Laporan Keuangan, Historical Cost Accounting, General Price Level Accounting, NOD attribute, COG attribute.