摘要:The effects of tea polyphenols on the caecal flora and caecal metabolites were studied in eight 24-d-old and eight 56-d-old chickens, which consumed a basal diet (control) or the diet supplemented with tea polyphenols (2 g/kg diet) for periods of up to 56d of age. On day 24 of tea polyphenols administration, the number of total bacteria and bacteroidaceae significantly decreased (P < 0.01 ), but staphylococci increased (P < 0.05). The frequency of the occurrences of pseudomonads and yeasts significantly increased (P < 0.05), but that of moulds decreased (P < 0.01). Also, caecal concentrations of ammonia (P < O.O1). phenol (P <0.01), p-cresol (P < 0,05) and skatol (P < O.05) were significantly reduced. On day 56 of administration, lactobacilli significantly increased (P < 0.05), whereas enterobacteriaceae decreased (P < 0.05). as did the detection rate of proteus (P < 0.05). Caecal concentrations of ammonia (P < 0.05) andethylphenol (P < 0.05) weresignificantly reduced, but aceticand butyricacidincreased greatly (P < O.OS). The deodorant effect on caecal contents was noticeable during tea polyphenols administration.Keywords - Caecal bacterial metabolism: Chicks; Intestinal flora; Tea polyphenols.