摘要:A modified Carlsson-Crittenden cup was used to collect three consecutive 0.5 ml samples of stimulated saliva from the parotid glands of 14 individuals with no known salivary disease and 14 patients with Sjogren's syndrome. Microbiological culture yielded bacteria from 30 of the 42 samples from healthy individuals and all 33 specimens obtained from patients with Sjogren's syndrome. The number and spectrum of bacterial species encountered in the two groups was similar. with a predominance of facultative alpha-haemolytic streptococci. The mean number of isolates (healthy group, 3-4; Sjögren's group, 3-7) and the mean viable concentration (healthy group, 6.9 x l03 c.f.u./ml, Sjogren's group, 4.2 x l03 c.f.u./ml) was greater in the first sample and fell in subsequent samples in both groups. The only significant difference was a significantly greatesl ( P < 0.05) mean number ofisolates in the third 0.5 ml sample from patients with Sjogren's syndrome (2.6) compared to those in the healthy group (1.2). These results indicate that the duct of the parotid gland does have a microbial flora both in health and disease.Keywords - Salivary glands; Sjogren's syndrome; Bacteria; Saliva.