摘要:Wireless communication and sensor networks are spreading the Internet and communication services to remote locations and hence becoming the most popular choice for future information and communication technologies. Significant amount of research activities are concentrated on designing the wireless protocols, security, bandwidth efficiency, multiplexing schemes, and also on hardware including smart antenna. This Special Issue of the Journal of Communications, the second of two such issues, presents seven research articles on various aspects of wireless systems, including channel loss, localization of mobile node, antenna system, and channel equalization.While this Special Issue invited authors from around the world, we had also targeted pertinent papers that were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2009) held on December 21-23, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh. We had received quite a large number of submissions which were then peer-reviewed, and 15 papers were finally selected for publication to appear in two issues of the journal. These authors represent academic and/or research institutions from Bangladesh, Canada, China, India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and United Kingdom.The first paper of this Special Issue is authored by S. S. Al-Majeed and M. Fleury, who analyze the effect of channel loss over WiMAX access link and router buffer overflow across an all-IP network on the video quality of packet drops. The paper shows that use of multiple connections and appropriate time division duplex frame size preserves the video quality and improves wireless channel utilization, however, at the expense of increased start-up delay. The second paper by M. M. Alam, M. M. I. Rajib and S. K. Biswas presents design of a smart antenna system for digital enhanced cordless telecommunication radio base stations in wireless local loop network. The paper also investigates the performance of the smart antenna system employing multiple signal classification algorithm and estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques.R. Li and Z. Fang, in the third paper, propose Lee localization algorithm to reduce the time of arrival measurement errors for a mobile node in wireless sensor networks. The results of the paper show that the proposed technique can overcome the effects of measurement bias and at the same achieve a higher accuracy with low complexity. In the fourth paper, K. M. Morshed, D. K. Karmokar and M. Talukder investigates impedance matched inverted-L and stair inverted-L antenna for 5 GHz wireless local area networks. The authors show through experimentations and numerical analysis that microstrip line designed using filter transformation theory to obtain impedance matching performs rather well in terms of return loss bandwidth.A new key agreement protocol is proposed next by Z. Li-Ping and W. Yi for wireless sensor networks. The protocol employs an ID-based technique which reduces the energy cost of sensor nodes and improves key exchange and authentication performances. J. Ferdous, M. J. Ferdous and T. Dey propose a central base station controlled density aware clustering protocol by selecting an optimum set of cluster heads based on the sensor node density and the minimum distance between cluster head and its neighbor nodes. The paper shows through simulation studies that the proposed protocol improves system performance in terms of sensor node life time and energy efficiency as compared to the well known low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy protocol. In the last paper of this Special Issue, P. R. Hathy, S. K. Padhy, S. P. Panigrahi and P. K. Patra developed a new control scheme for channel equalization in a wireless communication system. The paper dealt with the channel equalization problem by involving classification algorithm based on algebraic perceptron neural network which reduces the network size and improves the performance.The guest editors would like to express their sincere gratitude to all reviewers, who have finished their reviews in the shortest possible time and dedicated their valuable time to ensure the quality of this special issue. Finally, the guest editors would extend their sincere appreciation to the Associate Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Haohong Wang for providing them with this opportunity and facilitating preparation of an excellent journal special issue.