摘要:Wireless communication systems and networks are becoming extremely popular because of cost effectiveness, mobility and flexibility and as such the demand for high-speed wireless communication services is growing rather rapidly. However, wireless systems do face a number of challenges including spectral efficiency, performance reliability, power requirement, QoS, security, and complexity and flexibility of the architecture. Both academia and industries are focusing on research in wireless systems and networks significantly, which motivated the publication of the current Special Issue in wireless communications. While this Special Issue invited authors from around the world, we had also targeted pertinent papers that were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2009) held on December 2123, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh. We had received many submissions which were then peer-reviewed, and 15 papers were finally selected for publication to appear in issues of the journal. These authors represent academic and/or research institutions from Bangladesh, Canada, China, India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and United Kingdom. In the first paper of this Special Issue, Z. Li, J. Yang, and J. Yao propose threshold-aided opportunistic transmission strategies for use in multiuser multiple-input multiple-output downlink having limited feedback. They employ the primary threshold to reduce the feedback and the secondary threshold to guarantee the outage performance. The proposed strategies have been investigated through statistical analyses and Monte-Carlo simulation. The second paper by A. Mehbodniya, S. Aissa and J. Chitzadeh presents a vertical handoff algorithm in multitier (overlay) networks. The scheme employs pattern recognition technique using probabilistic neural network to determine the user location and decides on the handoff based on that information. P. Wang, L. Zu, F. Liu and Y. Wang, in the third paper, develops a downlink resource allocation algorithm to maximize the system throughput employing the frequency selective fading phenomenon in orthogonal frequency division multiplexed network. Analytical and simulation results show that the algorithm enhances the system performance by assuring quality of service and guaranteeing the minimum reserved traffic rate for non-real-time services. In the fourth paper, S. Ahmed and M. Kawai present a code allocation table consisting of selected orthogonal binary user codes to reduce the peak to average power ratio in multicarrier code division multiple access systems. The authors show through analysis and simulation that the proposed scheme can perform better than Walsh-Hadamard codes in terms of both peak-to-average power ratio and bit error rate. A scalable group key agreement is proposed next by Z. Li-Ping and W. Yi using the layer-cluster group model for a mobile ad hoc network. A multi-linear map is incorporated in the layer-cluster structure to meet the security demands of large mobile ad hoc networks as well as improve the system performance. This is followed by K. A. Darabkh who proposes a queuing model to investigate the impact of Fano decoding algorithm on the performance of a wireless network. The paper presents both analytical and simulation studies on the average number of packets residing in the system’s buffer. S. A. K. Tanoli, I. Khan and N. Rajatheva investigate next the performance of a cooperative network based on bit-interleaved coded modulation-iterative decoding over different fading channels, including Rayleigh, Nakagami-m and Rician. The bit error rate performance of the fading channels are evaluated and compared through simulation studies. The last paper of this Special Issue is authored by F. Haroon and K. M. Ahmed who propose the deployment of IEEE 802.15.4a protocol in medium access control of an industrial field level communication network. The authors also introduce a reduced complexity adaptive SRake receiver to recover the weak impulse radio-time hopping ultra wideband signals in dense multipath propagation with strong noise. The guest editors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the reviewers, who have finished their reviews in the shortest possible time and dedicated their valuable time to ensure the quality of this special issue. Finally, the guest editors would extend their sincere appreciation to the Associate Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Haohong Wang for providing them with this opportunity and facilitating preparation of an excellent journal special issue.