摘要:For a long time, syntacticians and semanticists have been seeking a way to integrate semantic analysis into syntactic parsing, or inverse; because they have realized that understanding cannot be fully explained simply with syntax or semantics. Categorial Grammarians devoted a lot to extend the expressiveness of CG, but they missed a point what behinds the scene is meanings rather than grammar rules. Frame Semantics invented a very good formal representation of meanings; however it lacks an apparatus of syntactic operation like the one of CG. So, in this paper, we integrated them together, so as they could complement each other. This theoretical model can explain why some grammatical sentences are unacceptable in semantics. Besides, we introduced our Parsing System built on this theoretical model, which well supports our argument that if a semantic category is allowed by the frame, then the sentence is acceptable in semantics.
关键词:natural language understanding;syntactic parsing;semantic analysis;categorial grammar;frame semantics