摘要:With proportion of multimedia services in the IP satellite network growing, how to provide these services with effective guarantee of Qos metrics such as delay, bandwidth, delay and jitter is an urgent problem. In multi-satellite network MLSR algorithm, a typical dynamic routing algorithm, only considers a single delay parameter, is prone to congestion and difficult to meet the QoS requirements when certain link is heavily loaded. Heuristic algorithm may optimize various QoS metrics, but is difficult to meet the requirements of satellite networks in terms of the complexity of the algorithm and convergence time. LEO/MEO network have asymmetry on the requirements of the services in terms of delay, bandwidth, time and location. Aiming at the needs of multiple QoS metrics guarantee of QoS routing needs, based on the asymmetry of LEO/MEO in delay and bandwidth, and time and location, this paper design a QoS integrated weighted cost model, which tradeoffs QoS cost information of delay and bandwidth in terms of time and location, and has better adaptability for QoS guarantees of multimedia services.
关键词:Qos;LEO/MEO;Asymmetry;Integrated Weighted Model