摘要:This paper considers the channel capacity of 60GHz wireless communications systems over Rayleigh fading channels and Ricean fading channels. The SNR and therefore capacity varies according to the communication distance. The capacity is presented for line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channels given based on a 60GHz link budget model. Phase shift keying (PSK) modulation is considered under FCC power constraints for the unlicensed 59-64GHz radio spectrum. The channel capacity over Rayleigh fading channels is compared with the capacity in additive white Gaussian noise channels. The paper also investigates the channel capacity of 60GHz wireless communications systems over Ricean fading channels and gives the channel capacity compariasion with q-ary PSK modulation over Ricean fading channel, AWGN channel and Rayleigh channel when the SNR per symbol is given. The results show that a 60GHz wireless system is more suitable for short range communications less than 100 meters rather than long distances