摘要:In this paper, we study the problem of finding frequent itemsets from uncertain data streams. To the best of our knowledge, the existing algorithms cannot compress transaction itemsets to a tree as compact as the classical FP-Tree, thus they need much time and memory space to process the tree. To address this issue, we propose an algorithm UDS-FIM and a tree structure UDS-Tree. Firstly, UDS-FIM maintains probability values of each transactions to an array; secondly, compresses each transaction to a UDS-Tree in the same manner as an FP-Tree (so it is as compact as an FP-Tree) and maintains index of probability values of each transaction in the array to the corresponding tail-nodes; lastly, it mines frequent itemsets from the UDS-Tree without additional scan of transactions. The experimental results show that UDS-FIM has achieved a good performance under different experimental conditions in terms of runtime and memory consumption.