摘要:Chameleon all-but-one trapdoor function (ABO-TDF) is an important and useful primitive which wasintroduced in [9]. With the help of it, a more efficient black-box construction of public key encryption (PKE) scheme,which is secure against chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA),can be given. In this paper, we formally generalize theconstruction of chameleon ABO-TDFs. As a special case ofour generalization, a concrete construction of ABO-TDFs,which was first introduced by Peikert and Waters [1], ispresented. Although the existence of lossy trapdoor functionsis equivalent to that of ABO-TDFs by using the conversionin [1], as Peikert et al. said, the conversion involves somedegradation in lossiness (i.e. additional leakage). Therefore,in this sense, our result is different from those in [21] whereHemenway et al. proved that homomorphic encryption withsome additional properties implies lossy trapdoor functions.