摘要:In early November 2009 in Nuuk Greenland,the Institute for Circumpolar Health Research(ICHR) in Canada and the GreenlandInstitute for Circumpolar Health Research(GIHR) signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) that will formally launchsister ICHR organizations for Canada andGreenland. This new voluntary associationbrings together allied research interests fromtwo circumpolar regions, and expands theirrespective roles in advancing health researchin circumpolar regions. The MOU builds onshared perspectives and common interests inthe study of circumpolar populations and willenhance opportunities for knowledge translationand study logistics in circumpolar healthresearch due to proximity to stakeholdersand partners. The Institutes look forward toworking together in this mutually enrichingpartnership.International Journal of Circumpolar Health 69:1 2010