摘要:To collect pieces of evidence for the construct validity of the reading section of a high-stakes test, test taking strategies of 40 test takers were analyzed via a checklist of strategies. The checklist consisted of 28 strategies tapping test takers’ behaviors while taking some reading comprehension items. The goal was to see whether there was concordance between the type of strategies and the item types in the reading comprehension passages. For example, if the strategy of guessing is used on inference items, this jeopardizes the validity of the item because there is a mismatch between the intentions of the test makers and those of test takers (Cohen, 1984). Hopefully, it was found mostly the right strategies were used on the right item types. This speaks to the construct validity of the reading section of University of Tehran English Proficiency Test (the UTEPT) which was exposed to investigation.
关键词:test taking strategies;construct validity;item type;frequency of strategy;item difficulty