摘要:This paper discusses an approach to examine the relationship between PE teachers' behaviours towards their students (as reported by the latter), the feelings experienced by these students and the way they tend to react when faced with various teacher behaviours. The purposes are (a) to examine the internal consistency of a questionnaire to collect students' perceptions, and (b) to describe the various facets of the discrepancy construct, discussing their relationship with behaviours reportedly adopted by students who feel underrated, overrated or rightly assessed by their teacher. A total of 891 students from 35 regular 5 th and 6 th year elementary PE classes completed the questionnaire by the end of the school year. Results indicate that there is a strong to moderate connection between reported teacher behaviours, reported student feelings, and reported student answer behaviours. The use of this student questionnaire may help teachers or researchers better understand students' behaviours during PE classes. .
其他摘要:This article discusses an examination of the relationship between Physical Education teachers’ behaviours towards their students (as reported by students), the feelings experienced by these students and the way they tend to react when faced with various teacher behaviours. The purposes are (a) to examine the internal consistency of a questionnaire to collect students’ perceptions, and (b) to describe the various facets of the discrepancy construct, discussing their relationship with behaviours reportedly adopted by students who feel underrated, overrated or rightly assessed by their teacher. A total of 891 students from 35 regular 5th and 6th year elementary PE classes completed the questionnaire by the end of the school year. Results indicate that there is a strong to moderate connection between reported teacher behaviours, reported student feelings, and reported student answer behaviours. The use of this student questionnaire may help teachers or researchers better understand students’ behaviours during PE classes. Cet article analyse le rapport entre des comportements d’éducateurs physiques à l’égard de leurs élèves (tels que rapportés par ces derniers), les sentiments ressentis par ces derniers et la façon dont ils tendent à réagir lorsqu’ils sont confrontés à divers comportements de l’enseignant. Les buts de l’article sont (a) d’analyser la consistance interne d’un questionnaire utilisé pour recueillir les perceptions des élèves, et (b) de décrire les diverses facettes du construit de discordance en examinant leur rapport avec des comportements que les élèves disent adopter lorsqu’ils se sentent sous-évalués, surévalués ou évalués à leur juste valeur par leur éducateur physique. Un total de 891 élèves, issus de 35 classes régulières de 5ième et 6ième année du primaire, ont complété le questionnaire vers la fin de l’année scolaire. Les résultats indiquent qu’il y a une relation de forte à modérée entre les comportements d’enseignant rapportés, les sentiments ressentis rapportés et les comportements que les élèves disent adopter en réponse à ces comportements d’enseignant. L’utilisation du questionnaire pourrait aider les enseignants et les chercheurs à mieux comprendre les comportements des élèves durant les cours d’éducation physique.